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     Cycron DK Presents a new Intro       
1.PART: Info about our diskmag, and our 
        existence as a whole.           
2.PART: Credits, and a fast filled vec- 
        tors routine, made by Matrix of 
        Cycron Dk.                      
Wich gives me the opportunity to say    
that i will release a -Filled Vectors   
 demo- in a few dayz.                   

  Info about our Diskmag            Page 1
If you wanna get an artikel in our disk-
mag, then write to Matrix at this adress
               Jonas M./Matrix          
               Egevej 4                 
               4700 Naestved            
Notice: All artikels must be written in 
the prg called: TXED.                   

  Info about our Diskmag           Page 2 
Please send a stamp (4.75) so i can send
your disk back.                         
All editors will ofcourse be listed in  
the diskmag. Adverts and stuff like that
are also mostly welcome, so don't       

  Cycron is NOT dead.               Page 1
Some bad guys have spread rumours about 
us, saying that we were dead, well we   
are NOT dead, but some time ago, a part 
of our members left Cycron to join      
Prologic (wonder why?). Well since then 
we got a few new members,and a few of   
them were actualy not qualified, but... 

  Cycron is NOT dead.              Page 2 
they will be thrown out again, as soon  
as possible. Now, if any cool persons   
out there wants to join Cycron, then    
let us know, BUT! do only contact us, if
you are very good.                      
                 Signed Cycron Dk 29/3  

  For some heavy swapping.                
Write to:  Nicolas/Master disaster      
           GilbertStraede 3             
           3770 Allinge                 
           TLF: 53 98 11 66             
(Mostly game swapping)                  

  For more heavy swapping.                
Write to:  Niels Hauge/Craine           
           Morelvej 20                  
           4700 Naestved                
And now for some personal messages to...

  TMB Design/Tore                         
Hi there pal, how are you? Hope you're  
allright. I see forward to meet you some
time during the summer holiday??        
Don't forget this is only the intro,    
wait for the Vector demo, that will be  
cool, entertaining and fast! How do you 
like my music? Well yours was ok! see ya

  Caesar of Palace/Thomaschzzzz           
Yeah, hi man! hope you like this intro  
especialy the vector routine, by the way
thanks very much for all your help, i'll
send some 100 bills next time, ok?      
hope your fractals is going well!       
Well mine is not going anywhere atall   
(Great fun!!!), see ya too...           

  Alf of Palace/Claus                     
Well, nice phone calls!? Hope you can   
get me some hot stuff! And thanks for   
all your help too..? What help?? Eh??   
Well anyway nice knowing you, pal       
Nice solid vector scroll of yours!!!    

  The Guardian/Tooonnyboy          Page 1 
Well how do you like this? It took me   
about 3 weeks to make my filledvectors  
so fast, and the lineCut routine took me
about 2 days to code (I got some probs  
with the line when it was placed        
horizontaly). I have heard some rumours 
about you, having made some Filled...   

  The Guardian/Tooonnyboy         Page 2  
vectors, well why don't you drop by some
day, so we can see whose routine is the 
fastest??! I saw your intro, and i asked
myself, Where have i seen that bobscroll
before?? Hmmm??...                      
Well, i see forward to some cool produc-
tions of yours.                         

  Tama/Kimse of Prologic                  
Will you please remember to give me the 
credits for the wonderfull drums of mine
(R-5 Human Rythm sequencer and D-20     
synths), Thanks. Anyway, you make some  
very cool music, and i must say you have
improved your coding skills since last. 
Keep going strong.                      

  Trix/Flem of Dexion                     
What keeps you up? Where is my disks?   
I hope you wanna make some interviews   
for our diskmag.                        
Would you please send me some new and   
cool demos. Thanks, by the way...       
I see forward to meet you at the next   
comming party.                          

  End of messages...                      
Now Press the left mouse button to see  
the other part, or view this boring part
for some time....                       
 Please notice that all objects are run-
ning in one frame, and is drawn in 2    
planes, except for the cycron logo      
(that's only in one frame)              
 Signing off:Matrix of Cycron Dk        